Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Taming of the Lilac

Got my first whiff of Lilac today.  Oh, sweet heavenly sunshine, what a fragrance!  I stood there, smelling and enjoying, wondering if the neighbors might be getting suspicious.  I'm sure they've seen me do stranger things...

When we first bought this house, I knew EXACTLY how I wanted to landscape the front.  And job #1 was to plant a Magnolia out from the corner of the house.  That idea was dismissed by my Love when he pointed out the proximity of the well.  What a kill joy.  So, I snuck a Lilac into the ground and promised myself that I would train it to look like a multi-stemmed tree.  (See the Felco #2 article for my obsession with pruning plants)  Well, in case you were wondering, keeping a Lilac in order is harder than it sounds.  Lilacs, by nature, do not wish to look like multi-stemmed trees.  Their DNA demands a shrubby countenance, and their determination is hard to restrain.  I snip back watersprouts and hack away at suckers all season long.  Someday, when I move from this house, that Lilac will sing Hallelujah and revert to its wild nature.  But today - after 8 years of chopping, trimming and waiting - I feel like I finally  have a multi-stemmed flowering tree on the corner of my house!  So I will stand here, looking silly with my head in this shrub, sniffing and sighing with delight.  I think I've earned the privilege.


Unknown said...

lilacs are some of my absolute favorites! I would stand out there and smell the shrub all day!

Ranea said...

I love lilacs!! :)

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